UNILORIN: Information Regarding Recommendation Letters

This write is to provide an Update on the process for obtaining recommendation letters for your applications from the University of Ilorin.

Obtaining a Recommendation Letter:

There are three primary options for obtaining a recommendation letter at our university:

1. Professor / Level Adviser (L.A): If you choose Professor /Level Adviser ( L.A), it's crucial to meet with Him/Her in person. This allows them to ask you questions and understand your goals better, ensuring the letter reflects your unique achievements and aspirations.

2. Head of Department (HOD): Similar to Professor / Level Adviser (L.A), meeting with your HOD is recommended. This personal interaction helps them tailor the letter to your specific strengths and contributions within the department.

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Didn't meet the required marks for University Admission? Consider Alternative Pathways!

Facing challenges with traditional university entrance exams? Don't let it discourage you! Explore alternative pathways like the International Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) or Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) programs.

These accredited programs offer comprehensive preparation for university studies, allowing you to directly enter the second year at participating universities across Nigeria.

Key benefits of IJMB/JUPEB programs:

Gain direct entry into 200 level: Save time and money by bypassing the first year of university.

Wide range of university options: Choose from a variety of universities that accept IJMB/JUPEB qualifications.

Focus on your chosen field: Programs offer specialized curriculums aligned with your desired degree path.

Strong foundation for success: Develop academic skills and knowledge crucial for university-level studies.

Eligibility and Application:

Check the requirements of your preferred IJMB/JUPEB centers and universities.

Meet required O'Level qualifications for entry.

Follow the application process as outlined by the chosen program.

Don't let temporary setbacks hinder your educational goals. Investigate alternative pathways and take the next step towards your desired university degree!

For more enquiries Click the link below;

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Click Here

3. Senate Building (Academic Support Services): You can submit a written request for a recommendation letter, similar to the process you used for English Proficiency and Transcript Processing. Third floor, room 1, Academic Support Services. However, be sure to clearly state your request for a recommendation and tailor your request to the specific faculty member you wish to approach.

Additional Information:

An example of a recommendation letter format is attached for your reference (scroll up).

We, at apariupdates encourage you to research different scholarship and program requirements to understand their specific recommendation letter guidelines.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor or relevant department staff if you have any questions or require further assistance.

We hope this information proves helpful. 

Good luck with your applications!

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